Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Got His Mom's Appetite, Apparently

Our baby books say infants can start on solids any time between 4 and 6 months, but that the American Association of Pediatrics recommends waiting til 6 months, and if you start at 4, it's really not going to add anything to baby's diet because he/she will just spit it all out and not have the control necessary to swallow, yadda yadda yadda.

Then we went to the pediatrician who said, among other things, that if Calvin seemed interested in the food we were eating, he's probably ready to start solids.

Whenever he watches us eat a meal, it's like he's staring into our souls, he watches so intently. So we figured it was time.

Here he is getting ready to eat his first rice cereal meal:

And here he is after:

Anyway, we have since moved on to bananas and sweet potatoes, and he has loved both, to the extent that he cried angrily when there were no sweet potatoes left. Tomorrow: zucchini!

Many more photos available at Snapfish, documenting other firsts, including meeting the senior Murphys and taking a trip to Hyde Park.

1 comment:

Moth said...

Yay for food! :)

Hopefully he will continue to like a variety of vegetables and not do what CB did and decide over time that those wonderful vegetables taste horrible. :)