Friday, March 27, 2009

Two Months!

Calvin had his two-month visit to the pediatrician yesterday. I have to say, the administration of shots was not quite as traumatizing as I'd feared - primarily because he was easily distracted pretty quickly, so we only had to endure about 30 seconds of crying and screaming.

The worst part, though, was definitely the moment right after the nurse administered that first shot - he was cooing and smiling and flirting, and then the needle went into his chubby little thigh. There was another second of flirting - and then a moment when you could see the pain register on his little face - and then a red-faced scream the likes of which we hadn't seen since he was first born. Poor little man!

As I said, though, we managed to get him calmed down pretty quickly, and he doesn't seem to be having any reactions after the fact... apparently some babies are extra fussy for 24 hours afterwards. Given that he was being extra fussy for the 48 hours prior to the appointment, though, we probably wouldn't have known the difference.

As for his two month vital stats:
Length: 23.75 inches, 75th percentile
Weight: 11 pounds 9 ounces, 50th percentile
Head circumference: 39.6 centimeters, 50th percentile

Happy two months, Calvin!


Adam807 said...

I wanna know what percentile my head circumference is in!!

Moth said...

Glad the shot went okay! There will be good times and bad times with those, hopefully more good than bad.

For us the hard part is CB has long term memory now and knows what it is like and fights like a wildcat to try and avoid the shot while screaming at the top of her lungs. Not fun.

Mrs. J said...

Yay! He is growing so fast!