Sunday, June 15, 2008

And so it begins

As per usual, I was awake about an hour before Marc. I had every intention of waiting until his alarm went off to talk to him. I knew that waiting that extra few minutes didn't make a difference in the grand scheme of things. I went about my usual business of getting the cat's breakfast, getting my breakfast, getting ready for my day. It was all well and good until about five minutes before his alarm went off, when I found myself at a standstill next to the bed. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Hey. Marc. Hey. Wake up."

Very little response (not surprising).

"Marc. Dude. Come on. I have to show you something."

That got his attention. His eyes flickered. He looked up at me suspiciously. "What?" He sort of started fumbling for his glasses, but I knew that wasn't necessary for this task. I shoved the stick in his hand.

His nearsighted eyes registered the two pink lines. Not one pink line, two pink lines. Two pink lines meaning he's going to be a dad.

"Really? Wait, REALLY???"

Hugs, tears, a confused cat abounded. Of all the adventures we have shared together, this is sure to be the most intense.

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