Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Seriously? For a one-year-old?

There is a birthday party in the works. A birthday party! For Calvin! Who is turning one and, as such, will have no memory whatsoever of the festivities. And yet, we march onward, locating a Chicago Park District space, ordering cake, procuring a Wiggleworms teacher to lead a class. It all seems rather ridiculous, on the surface.

And yet... if it will make him as happy as his first Christmas and Hanukkah did, I kind of don't really give a damn if he remembers it or not. (More photos at Snapfish.)


Mrs. J said...

Absolutely worth it!! Happy Birthday Calvin!

Moth said...

He may not remember it, but you will. And there will be photos and probably video, and in a year or two he will love looking at them/watching it. :)