Thursday, August 13, 2009

6-month Pediatrician Visit

Not having internet at home makes things difficult. Amazing to think that, just six years ago, I lived my online life using the U of C dial-up connection. It was slow, but I just dealt with it. Can't even fathom that now.

Anyway, there's my excuse for the lack of updates. Many photos are overdue, including the fabulous ones that Ethan shared from Calvin's baptism. Will have to wait, though, as we are off to the Wisconsin wilderness for several days.

In the short term, though - as the post title implies, Calvin had his 6-month pediatrician visit last week, where we were assured that he is, in all ways, normal. And told that yes, he may well spit up more than other babies... but no, there is nothing to be done about it. He'll probably get over it by the time he's a year old. So continuing to dress in old t-shirts it is!

Length: 26-3/4 inches (50th-75th percentile)
Weight: 16 pounds 12 ounces (25th-50th percentile)
Head Circumference: 43 centimeters (25th percentile)


Adam807 said...

Why is his head metric?

Moth said...

Isabel's spitting up was a given for quite a while. The routine was feed her and then wait to see how much came back up. She did eventually grow out of it.

We found a batch of cloth diapers to be our friends as we could contain most of the damage, toss it in the washing machine for the next round of laundry, and just grab another off the pile.

mcm said...

Adam: his head is metric because that's how the doctor give us the information. Feel free to do the conversion and let us know his circumference in inches.

Moth: oh, we are huge fans of the cloth diapers. Calvin, sadly, isn't, and has unique talent for turning his head just so immediately before spitting up, so as to avoid it. Good times!