Saturday, April 4, 2009


Floyd has been, thus far, not entirely pleased with having this tiny interloper in his house. Not that I can blame him - he's pretty much been the crown prince around here for five years.

Thankfully, of course, he is a gentle soul, and his displeasure has not been expressed with hostility towards Calvin - rather, he's pretty much chosen to refuse to acknowledge his existence, actively removing himself from situations in which Calvin interrupts whatever activity he's partaking in (sleeping, for the most part). He lets us know that he's upset by demanding playtime or cuddle time at irritatingly inopportune moments (generally when we're feeding Calvin or trying to coax him to sleep).

However! Progress! Marc and Calvin were hanging out in the living room a day or two ago when Floyd, all on his own, decided to grace them with his presence. Woo-hoo! Some photos below... as always, these and more are at Snapfish.


Mrs. J said...

So cute!

Moth said...

Can't sleep, cat will eat me...Can't sleep, cat will eat me...Can't sleep, cat will eat me...
