Sunday, May 31, 2009

Big Day!

We have attained rolling! The baby has successfully rolled from his tummy to his back THREE TIMES. And then promptly looked at us, each time, in confusion as he seemingly tried to figure out what we were so excited about.

Good job, Calvin!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pediatrician Report

The little sir is healthy, hale, and hearty, and seems to be sleeping, eating, and leveraging tummy time like a 4-month-old should. He once again handled vaccinations (two shots this time) with aplomb. Also, the doctor commented on both his eyelashes and calm demeanor. But who wouldn't be impressed by such things?

Length: 25.5 inches (75th percentile)
Weight: 15 pounds 3 ounces (just above 50th percentile)
Head Circumference: 42 centimeters (50th percentile)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Almost 4 Months

There's so much to say, and yet so little. Every day is a challenge, an adventure, and yet objectively, it all seems so banal - things that have been occurring since the beginning of time. But they haven't been occurring to Calvin since the beginning of time.

Of late, his favorite thing is the monkey that came with his activity gym. We have named him Gallopin, and we like to make him speak to Calvin in a French accent (all monkeys are French, you didn't know that?). His eyes light up when he sees it, and he will reach up to pull it down from its perch, and hang onto it for several minutes, turning it over and over, feeling it with his tiny little hands. It still amazes me every day.

4-month pediatrician appointment on Thursday, will report back then! In the meantime, fun with photos... these and more at Snapfish.