Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Four Weeks Old

The time, it flies. It feels both incredibly recent and incredibly long ago that we were in the hospital preparing to induce labor.

Of course, the good news is, he gets a one-month birthday on Saturday. Had he been born a day later, we'd have been forced to forgo it.

Anyway, recently got around to uploading a bunch of shots from, well, four weeks ago, among others. As before, go to Snapfish for more.

Friday, February 20, 2009

That's what I get for thinking

So I had just settled back into bed after the 4am feeding. Over the monitor, I could hear Calvin quietly cooing to himself, and I was contentedly sandwiched in between a deeply breathing husband and a happily purring cat as I drifted back to sleep. Life is good, I thought.

And then, of course, within 30 seconds, Marc started snoring, Calvin started crying, and Floyd started poking me in the face with his paw. At least I had the presence of mind to be amused at my own audacity, and to recognize that this is what I should expect for the foreseeable future (like, say, 18 years... at least).

Thursday, February 12, 2009


When we were married, it took quite a while to get used to using the words "husband" and "wife" (and, before that, "fiance"). Why does it seem that "Mom" and "Dad" do not require the same transition period?...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The First Two Weeks

It's such a cliche... and yet, don't some cliches exist for a reason? It is extraordinary how much he has changed in 14 short days, and how much we change with him. I don't have the mental capacity to write much more now (really, Calvin? eating every three hours? man, babies have it good), but a few photos are below... these and others are also online at Snapfish.